Sr. no. Name of Class Name of the Subject In charge faculty Classrooms Link/code 1 F.Y B.Sc Algebra & Geometry Mr. S.T.Ghule 5ji754g Calculus-I & Calculus-II Mrs. L.R .Vishwakarma 32sls7p 2 S.Y B.Sc Calculus of Several Variables & Linear Algebra Mrs. L.R .Vishwakarma yo7sa3x Numerical Analysis Mr. S.T.Ghule 2r2qbwo 3 F.Y B.Sc (Comp.Sci.) Discrete Mathematics & Linear Algebra Mrs. L.R .Vishwakarma wala6o7 Matrix Algebra & Graph Theory Mr. S.T.Ghule hfo66um 4 S.Y B.Sc (Comp.Sci.) Numerical Technique & Computational Geometry Mr. S.T.Ghule rkl2zs2 Groups and Coding Theory & Operation Research Mrs. L.R .Vishwakarma lgkyugl